moving forward.
What hasn't been going on has been posting in my blogs.
My apologies!
Please refrain from utilizing your cat-o-nine-tails skills upon my bare backside. Tempting, I know, but please reserve your skills for those that enjoy them during those S&M sessions.
I dropped by Facebook and saw I'd been tagged by Clark for my misdeeds. Alas, his sharp perception did not allow my hiding to escape. He's aware of all and see's all ... a fact I must remember in the future.
Christmas is upon us!
Ho! Ho! Ho! and a bottle of rum!
No, that's not right ...
Ho! Ho! Ho! Merry Christmas!
Okay, that's better.
The season of sharing good cheer, joyous blessings, and the giving of gifts has arrived. Retailers are smiling the world over. Amazon.com is loving it!
Yet, somehow and some way, we have to pinch ourselves and remember what it's really all about. As everything in the world seems to be up for debate anymore, I won't say it's the birthday of the baby Jesus. To be politically correct, I will say it's the day we celebrate the birth of the baby Jesus.
If you're still not happy, suck it up! That's the best you'll get from me.
Other religions have their own values, ways, and dates of celebration. I have no problems accepting those. It is a person's right to believe in what they believe.
However, if you don't believe at all, go to work on Monday and stop mooching off of our holiday. If you're gonna bitch about it, forget it and carry on normally. That's your right! You'll save your friends a lot of money spent on wasted gifts that you obviously don't want.
'Nuff said.
I won't do a repeat of my Christmas story I did a few years ago.
Some of you really hated it. lol Hey, it was supposed to be a satire, not fact!
Where's your sense of humor?
So, instead, let's forego the story this time and get right to what this blogging group is supposed to be about ... Ten Things Of Thankful!

I made up a sign and posted it earlier this morning in direct retaliation to their stupidity. The lack of class and respect for others this time of year needs to stop. I don't care if you love or hate the president and what's being done. There are 51 other weeks of the year to complain and show how ate up and obsessed you are with hate. Like others, I've had enough of it. How about a break?
Show some class, concern yourself with your fellow man and his well being, and do your best to spread the good cheer the holiday is meant to express.
Hell, you might even find you like it!
2) Fruitcakes. I know, many of you despise fruitcakes.
So what? I love 'em.
Fruitcakes bring back memories of Christmas dinners at my grandparent's home. All the uncles and aunts, cousins and friends, gathered around the Christmas dinner table, stomachs too full of tremendous offerings to move, and the good feeling of belonging to something bigger than yourself. The gifts would soon be given out and love shared throughout the day.
Yeah, every time I bite into a slice of fruitcake, it takes me back to those days. So, if you don't like 'em, that's fine. I'll take your slice, sit back, and remember a time when Christmas dinner consisted of good times and conversation, instead of phone checking and texting.
3) Facebook Scams. Yep, every once in a while, we need to be reminded that Facebook is filled with unscrupulous individuals and companies that lie to make a living. It keeps us from making too many mistakes and losing too much money.
Last Tuesday, I saw an ad for a Snoopy Coffee Cup that I thought perfect for my wife. Checking the ad, I found that if I paid an extra $4 in shipping fees, I could have the cup by Friday. So, I eagerly submitted the money through Paypal. Well, Friday came and went and the tracking showed the cup had yet to be shipped. The TeeSassy Company will never receive another dollar from me. I don't imagine they get much repeat business as most people won't put up with their crap. I'm just hoping to spread the word about them.
Nothing like a satisfied customer.
4) Good Cheer ... Cash. My wife and I were lucky enough to receive a small inheritance from a relative of hers. We were able to pay off both of our cars and still put back some for a rainy day. It was a nice change and a good feeling.
However, my heart isn't as hard as I thought. I've had a couple of Facebook friends that are experiencing times that were taking them down. Sending them a little money to help out around the holidays meant a lot to them, but it meant even more to me. I've seen what the heads of various charitable organizations make and hate to contribute to their paychecks. Yet, when a friend is in trouble, it makes you feel good to be able to help them out.
By the way, I'm tapped out now. If you'd have only let me know earlier ...
5) My wife. Yeah, after 37 years together, she finally admitted she was lucky to have me ... voluntarily. lol I've known it for years about her. Not many would put up with all I've put her through over the years. Moving around during my radio career ... my absence at home during my comedy career ... and many other things that usually tear apart households have done nothing but bring us together.
She and I are a lot like the characters in one of my books. To see us together and hear us talk to each other, you would never think we cared about each other. But, to think of life without her ... well, let's not.
Don't give away my secret if you see her around!
6) Good friends. When I was young and in high school, I was a fairly popular person. Yeah, I was class president a couple of years and student body president my senior year. After graduation, I turned my back on the small town I came from and never looked back for over forty years. The web wasn't around back then and I pretty much just made new friends wherever I landed next.
I attended a class reunion during the summer and reacquainted myself with many of those I'd left behind. Since then, several have picked up where we left off as if the years didn't matter at all. I've been able to be there for a couple of them that were going through tough times and help them through it by many hours of talking in PM's on Messenger. I always try to leave them smiling and feeling better than when we started.
Several of the "friends" I've made since those days proved to not be friends, but backstabbers. It's nice to know that there still are good folks you can believe in these days, even if they come from way back when.
7) Christmas Music. I really don't like Christmas music. I know that sounds bad, but I spent too many years as a disc jockey in radio playing the stuff day after day during the season.
The only song I hate worse than Christmas music is "American Pie." I worked at a station that was being purchased and the word was out that the new owners wanted to change the format. With the staff reduced due to holiday vacations, I went on the air at 8 pm, and didn't get off until 12 noon the next day. All during that time, it had been decided we'd protest the change by playing "American Pie" and only "American Pie" back to back/over and over again as a tribute to our station's format and music dying. So, if by chance I'm in a store and hear "American Pie" over the speakers, at least this time of year I know I can leave and go to another store that has Christmas music playing instead.
8) Gift Giving. I know, the "commercial" phase of Christmas. Still, seeing the smile and the joy in my wife's eyes when she opens her presents makes fighting the crowds worth it!
For the first time ever in our marriage, I was almost done shopping for her a couple of weeks ago. I've purchased a few things online (like the damn cup by the TeeSassy Company that won't make it in time), but I had just about all wrapped a week and a half ago.
I had to do something since Kmart had closed and there was
no Blue Light flashing on Christmas Eve to tell me what to buy her!
9) Family. As one gets older, the family they grew up with grows smaller. Loved ones pass and are no longer there. Even though the young new additions are there, it's not the same as it once was. Roles change and families tend to be separated by great distances.
I still have my father, but his age group is all gone now. No uncles or aunts or grandparents to tease and joke with. It's different, to say the least.
Several cousins have moved away, some don't talk to each other, and there are only three of us that seem to be attempting to stay in contact with each other. We're there for each other when we need support, love, or just someone to bitch to when things go wrong.
It's nice to have them around.
Otherwise, you'd have to listen to me bitching all the time!
10) My writing. I know most of you have yet to purchase one of my books. No big deal. I haven't purchased yours either.
Yet, writing has been a Godsend to me. It has allowed me to seek sanity in the creation of worlds others have yet to visit. The characters I develop and attempt to bring to life become real people that I control the destiny of and can lead them to happiness and justice. It has been very fulfilling and enjoyable. (Editing is hell, though. lol)
Being able to early retire this year has been a blessing. I'm finally able to cast away the life I hated and pursue a life of which I'm truly thankful, and those that read my novels seem to enjoy.
So, that's it! Another TTOT complete!
I do wish each and every one of you Merry Christmas,
or whatever the holiday greeting is for your own belief.
And, if you're a non-believer,
"Enjoy the day at work!"
*Btw, since there's been a plague of spammers on Blogger, I've had to turn on the moderation portion of the blog. If you don't get an immediate response to your comment, please check back. I'll okay it and answer it as soon as possible!
Hey! Rich... good to 'see' you. This, for whatever reason, feels more like the old days (notice I did not make that attribution to you... directly) of weekends in the 'sphere.
ReplyDeleteNo surprise, I guess, especially in the virtual high school of FB that it's the people that come to mind when I think back (don't even want to consider how many years...nothing like the years creating a need for a high school reunion, but then again, it's a given fact that one blogging year is equal to at least 7 or 12 years in the 'real' world.
You folks have a enjoyable Christmas and a prosperous New Year, now, hear?
Hey, Clark, so good of you to stop by!
DeleteIt's been a while, to say the least. I don't do a lot of blogging anymore, which I'm sure is obvious. Too much time spent writing and rewriting for publishing. Strange the way the road has been traveled. First, the Hubpages scam, then the blogging, and now the novels. Maybe if I'd go back to blogging more I'd increase my novel sales. lol
My friend, you and your family have a wonderful and Merry Christmas! I sincerely hope it's a great one for you all! :)
Merry Christmas! May joy and peace reign, even on social media, for a few days.
ReplyDeleteSo good to see you!
DeleteI agree. We all need a break from the "hating" that seems to be a constant reminder in our daily lives. There's way too much of it anymore. Loving one another is such a better solution to the problem.
Merry Christmas to you and your family. May the day be one of the best ever! :)
Great post! I agree that there is so much divideing us today politically :( It's seeped into everyday life.
ReplyDeleteMerry Christmas! I hope your mug arrives soon.
Thanks for stopping by, Missy!
DeleteWouldn't it be nice to see everyone trying to get along instead of hating each other? Politics are something none of us have any control over. They've always gone the way of the wealthy, no matter who the president was. It makes no sense to label each other. We're all human beings, aren't we? :)
Merry Christmas to you and all of your family! Spread the love to the family, and have them continue to spread it to all their friends tomorrow. Maybe it will prove to be contagious. :)
I hope you had a lovely Christmas. Here's to continuing success in the New Year.
ReplyDeleteSo good to see you again!
DeleteChristmas was okay this year. I actually slept most of the day. lol My wife had to work until 4 pm, so we had our Christmas dinner around 9 pm. lol Still we got to spend some quality time while it cooked. Hope yours was a great one!
Thank you for your well wishes! I really do appreciate your support! It means a lot. Don't do too much celebrating on New Year's Eve! :)
Many Thanks!
Delete*****LISA**** My fumble fingers hit the wrong button and I accidentally deleted your comment. I'm so sorry! My most sincere apologies!!!!
Nice list of thankfuls. I hope you had a nice Christmas and got a fruitcake :)
ReplyDeleteThank You!!!
DeleteThe wife worked until 4 pm on Christmas, so it was nice and peaceful in the house ... until then. lol And, "Yes", an old friend of mine sent me four homemade fruitcakes!! I'm in fruitcake heaven at this time.
I hope your holiday was fantastic! Thanks so much for stopping in! :)
Merry Christmas, Richard! Sorry I'm late! I love your list of thankfuls. I happen to like fruitcake too bit didn't think to get one for myself! I'm very impressed you got your wife's presents a few weeks ago; my husband tends to make a mad dash a few days before! I've seen a lot of hate on Facebook; you go into the comments section of a post and people are tearing strips off each other. Maybe I need to limit my time on there! Hope you had a good Christmas...let's hope shops are done playing Christmas songs now!
ReplyDeleteMerry Christmas!! (I'm late too. Don't worry about it. lol)
DeleteWe are definitely in the minority in our liking of fruitcakes. I looked all over creation and finally found one from a place for almost $20 ($28 with shipping fees), ordered it, and then got four of them from an old friend of mine in the mail. lol I've got enough fruitcake to last a year, without any problem.
I've started doing more on FB, but of a humorous note. I figure if nothing else I might be able to bring a smile instead of add to the negativity it provides ... unwantedly.
I haven't heard a Christmas song in days. I think we're safe. lol Good to hear from you! Keep the fairy lights shining! :)
I'm thankful for you, dear Bro.
ReplyDeleteWishing you and your lovely bride a 2018 filled with even more to be thankful for.
Love ya - sending snowy hugs, Maria
Sis, so good to see you here. You know I'm always thankful for you. At least, you should by now! :)
DeleteI wish you and your husband the same for 2018. Maybe you and I can help ease the burden of others and the hate they see everywhere by providing a little speck of light in the darkness.
Luv ya, too! Keep the smile shining! :)
I'm late in commenting, but it's good to have you join the TToT again! I do love Christmas music (well, much of it), but I can imagine your feelings about American Pie. I don't think I would like it if I had to listen to it hours on end!
ReplyDeleteHey Kristi, so good to see you again!
DeleteI'm not knocking anyone that likes Christmas music. Yet, for most that would have to listen to it for hours and hours every day, I have sympathy, having been there myself. I think the bad thing about Christmas music is that there are only so many songs, but they're each done by 50 million artists. They may sound different to the short term listener, but again, after hours on end, they all begin to sound the same. :)
Hope you had a great Christmas and New Year's. Greatly appreciate you commenting, as always! :)
So the whole "cat-o-nine-tails skills upon my bare backside" is still stuck in my head but to know that your wife admits to liking you (how could she not after all but I get that so much), that you've been helping out friends (I recently saw a Facebook post from a distant cousin saying she'd come on hard times and I sent her money right then for good or bad or whatever but it felt good to me, even after my mom was like "HONEY NO!!!")... wait where was I going with this? Oh right, these things make me happy enough to forgive you for not liking American Pie because come on bro - "take a walk on the wild side" is excellent advice for all of us. Plus, who can't hum along with "do do do do do do do doo da do doo..."
ReplyDeleteAs to the politics? Argh. Our "president" tweeted how smart he was today. Hard to not get into the grief of it all but yes, we should forget about proving something on facebook for sure. Also, I have your book on my nightstand. You're up next (after I finish the one I'm on - I am VERY slow as you know lol). xo
Hey Sis, good to see you!
DeleteSorry about the "cat-o-nine-tails" thing. You know me, I write whatever comes to mind. lol American Pie ... think of it this way. Listen to it nonstop 65 times in a row in a 10X10 room with nothing else to do. I think you can understand it's a miracle I still have a little sanity remaining! lol
I'm not a Trump supporter. He's an ass that only got elected because his opponent was a liar and a thief. I think many chose what they considered the lesser of two evils. I voted third party, instead. There is no lesser when it comes to evil ... it's still an evil that is voted for. So, I leave politics behind. Most of the time, politics only serves as a whipping boy for the sorry state of society. Tis easier to blame someone else than to take responsibility for what has transpired. And, excuse making has become a way of life to avoid taking any responsibility. It's much easier to blame others than to work for a solution.
Not sure which book you have, but I do hope you enjoy it. The first one sold very well and the second one tanked, even though it's a much better book. I'm thinking my target audience advertising might be off. Still experimenting there.
Luv Ya! Thanks for stopping in!