Saturday, February 17, 2018


Seventeen dead this week.

Eighteen school shootings 
this year.

Blame Shifting continues,
as usual.

Hate messages flood social media.

People are so ignorant they can't recognize themselves in a mirror.


What if I told you that your messages of hate and actions in public were killing your children?

Would you stop?

I dislike all politicians. Why? Because they're all scam artists. They scam the public into thinking they're working for them, and fill the pockets of Big Business with profits, instead. Don't be naive, they honestly don't give a damn about you.

Everything they do revolves around making themselves look good to the voters so they can continue screwing them over. Special Interest Contributions, a new phrase for legalized graft, continue to add to their bank accounts while the jobs that you have barely pay for the increase in medical insurance costs over the last few years. Where else can you vote to give yourself a salary increase besides Congress? Where else can you serve one term and get paid for life besides Congress. Stop believing in a pipe dream. They really only care about themselves and the corporations they serve.

You know, the premiums that went up hundreds of dollars a month 
so that your coverage would go down.

Oh, but you HATE Trump and feel the need to express it every chance you get.

I'm so happy you want to be a tool of Big Business.
Don't complain about guns. You're much more dangerous!

What? You didn't kill anyone? No, not directly, but indirectly the hate you spew vocally, on social media, and in your actions adds to the hate others spew. It sets an example for children to emulate. I know that's a goal you want to set for the growth of your children's mental health ... to teach them how to hate! Do a good enough job and you can read about how their hate grew until it drove them to kill those they didn't like, or the bully next door.

Won't you be proud of the example you set then?

But, but, but, Trump's dividing the United States.

Bullshit! You're dividing the United States. Stop blaming others for your inability to see that. Instead of sitting with your children and explaining why what he's doing is sometimes questionable or wrong, you're sitting there, cussing at the television whenever the newscasters feel the need to show him, and teaching your children to hate. Great job!

When people hate, they refuse to compromise. They become like the Hatfields and McCoys, feuding and fighting. People get killed. That's what's happening today. If you'd take off your blinders you could see it for yourself.

The division in the United States started long before this current president. Roots from the Vietnam War Era, of big business continuing a war for years so young men could die so that profits could be gained. Roots from social injustices that spawned racial anger for decades. Roots from teenage gangs, comprised of members that knew no parental control or love. Roots from the Clinton years of presidency where trade agreements were signed allowing business to take many jobs overseas without penalty, destroying the middle class. Roots from the Bush administration going to war in vengeance of a violent attack on home soil, yet, instead of going after the guilty, going after oil instead, again for big business. (Oh, and lets not forget Haliburton's non-compete contract to overcharge for services that the military already had people doing.)Roots from the Obama's years making billions of dollars of profit for insurance companies by mandating all purchase coverage, creating higher rates and less coverage for all. And, now, we have the Trump years, an egoist who would rather tweet than sleep. All have been major influences on the growing hate that has worked to divide the population for their success, and that of big business. Several were just much smoother in making their charade a success!

Divide and conquer, has been the goal of big business, with the politicians being its primary tool for decades. Create herds that spew hate for each other and the populace will lose the strength that unity brings. Use hate to distract from what is taking place in Washington, D.C. When children see nothing but hate, they will hate. When the children pick up arms against other children and life has no value, the hate has become complete. 

Damn it, what's so difficult about concentrating on what's important instead of 
the political bullshit that has been, and always will be nothing but bullshit!
Aren't your children more important than that crap?

Instead of continuing to be play toys that sit and watch things get worse, it is time for the hate spewing to stop and love to flow. It is time to show that humans are not animals that can be herded, but intelligent beings that unify and stand against the dirty politicians and big business, showing a strength they never expected.

It happened long ago. We stopped the war in Vietnam and made them back down by doing just that and we can do it again. It's time for the children to recognize that love is stronger than hate and violence is not the answer. It is time for adults to be adults and set a good example instead of acting like children and pouting because they didn't get their way.

Stop blaming inanimate objects for the deaths of our children and innocent and do something positive to stop more from joining the ones that have suffered from the hate that's grown from you and others. Life is too precious to waste. Children deserve a chance to live. Won't you do your part in seeing that take place?

Whether one continues to be part of the problem
or part of the solution is their choice.

Hopefully, you'll pick the right one.