Friday, January 3, 2014

Ten Things Of Thankful: Holidays Are Over!

See All The Great Blogs In This Hop HERE!!!!!!!!

The holidays are over 
for another year!  

Hip, Hip, Hooray!

(Now, Wal-Mart shoppers will have to wait another eleven and a half months to rip each others heads off in fits of shopping passion.  One would think we'd have come up with a better form of population control by now, wouldn't one?)

Our excuses to pig out on sweets and fatty foods have worn thin, unlike the waist size increase we exhibit.  Old acquaintances are not forgotten, but only lie in wait to attack us by surprise in the New Year.  And, possibly the most fearful of all, Lizzi and all the other hosts expect us to continue this Ten Things Of Thankful post as if new and wonderful items have appeared under the tree to keep us from looking like the stuttering fools many of us are.

(N-n-n-no pr-problem, Lizzi!  
Virginia got Santa to leave a bunch of new thoughts and delicacies to post ... NOT!)

So, as I end my vacation hiatus and return to the rank and file, let us begin the listing of this week's


"I'm thankful for ...."

1)  ... the ending of the holiday season, also known as the worst time of the year to be a diabetic.  The endless offerings of fudge, candy, and pastries provide sadists the opportunity to see you squirm with each denial of their so called holiday spirit provisions.  I only gave in one time to a solitary piece of peanut butter fudge, and must admit, didn't find it as tasty as I was promised.  Perhaps my taste buds are simply getting old and finding it harder to enjoy the finer things in life.  (Or, perhaps the maker of the fudge didn't really know what she was doing and sucked at making fudge!)

"Where's My Ear & Nose?!?!?!?"
2)  ... cheaply made cat toys.  Faletame and Gabriela had a complete ball ripping apart the Chinese offerings of fluffy stuffed animals and weird, geometric shaped catnip toys.  It took them all of twenty minutes to waste the ten dollars I spent on providing them with items to claw and shred besides the back of a one year old love seat they've favored as of late.

3)  ... $19 a month.  Recently, I've learned that if I send $19 a month to the ASPCA or to the Wounded Warrior Program, I can either save the life of a pet or help the life of a vet.  I'm still trying to figure out where this money actually goes to, and why both groups came up with the same monetary amount.  Either it doesn't take as much to help vets as our government would want us to believe, or someone feels as though an animal deserves the same treatment as a handicapped hero.  Then, there's always a third option that it's the same group collecting the donations and laughing all the way to the bank as they bilk the public of cash.  (Bernie Madoff is still in jail isn't he?)

4)  ... the right to bear arms.  Okay, I know it’s controversial, but have someone try to kick in your home’s back door and see if you don’t feel a little better knowing you have something with which to defend yourself .  Since our attempted break-in, neither my wife nor I feel completely secure in the house.  There are crazy people in this world who don’t give a damn about people doing their best to earn a living the honest way.  With home invasions on the rise, older folks need some way to even up the odds.  They’re to be used only as a last resort, but better to be around to endure the consequences than to become a cold case statistic.

5)  ... long underwear bottoms.  If it weren’t for them, what else would my wife come up with to buy me for Christmas?  Skittles?

6)  ... Carrie Underwood.  Her performance (though not terrible) in the television version of “The Sound Of Music” reminded me how wonderful Julie Andrews was in the lead role.  Stick to Country Music, Carrie!  (At least they didn’t cast Miley Cyrus in the role.  I just can‘t visualize a foam fingered, twerking nun rollicking with giant Teddy Bears!)

7)  ... television screen weather notifications.  Decades ago, one looked out of the window to see what the weather was doing.  Today, local weather forecasters are so full of themselves that they not only interrupt programming with useless bulletins, they take up the bottom quarter of the screen filled with a rolling warning of what counties will be affected.  Folks, snow is snow.  It’s not the end of the world.  Besides, most all of us have weather alerts programmed into our cell phones, so cease the ridiculous crap!  (Oh, and some of us still look out the window!)

8)  ... Office Depot.  Okay, I know this is the second time I’ve bragged about them, but they deserve it.  Saturday evening, I entered their store to find them out of the 100 pks of CD-R’s they’d advertised at a reduced price.  They ordered them in and delivered them to my house by Tuesday.  If our government was only as efficient as Office Depot, we’d be having our income tax refunds sent back to us by overnight mail!  (Hahahahahahahahaha .... like that would ever happen!) 

9)  ... President Obama.  No, I’m not changing my views about politicians (better known as liars, cheats & thieves).  Seems some 1000+ people voted in a Gallup Poll and are proclaiming Obama to be the Most Admired Man in the World.  Obama came out with 16% of the vote, putting him atop the list.  Of course, that meant that 84% of the people voted for someone else, and he wins by default!  

In my humble opinion, no politician should be the most admired man in the world.  That’s like saying it’s okay to lie, steal and cheat the voters while you cater to the whims of the corporations that contributed to your campaign!  I’d like to know where the Gallup Poll was taken and what were the positions of those voting. 

Another scary thing was that George W. Bush came in second.  Are we really that sad a society that we look to scam artists and system abusers to admire?  (On the other hand, A&E reports great ratings on its two night/ two part broadcast of “Bonnie & Clyde!”)

(Okay, before I get to Number 10, let me fill you in on something.  Today, at work, I miraculously won a 60" Samsung LED Smart Television valued at $1799.  And I never win anything!!!!

Until today, I've been fairly down and out for luck at work the last two months.  So much so, Thursday night, when I wrote most of this, my next entry was Number 4 on the list.  However, after today's changing of luck, and, in finding out that I actually did make enough at work last month to pay my bills, I'm wondering how prevalent it really is.  Whether you believe or not, one thing's for sure, the strangest things happen at the strangest times.)

10)  ... my religious upbringing.  Having participated in Catholic, Baptist, Presbyterian, and Pentecostal Holiness churches when I was young, I have to say environmental conditioning has formed a belief in God within my psyche.  Still, as there is no sanity in the trials and tribulations that I and many I know have been dealt over the last few years (decades), I have to either consider God to be on an extended vacation, or just sitting on the golden throne watching Duck Dynasty with a “Do Not Disturb” sign on the door.

After today's change of luck, I may have to retract Number 10!

And that’s it!  Another episode of Ten Things Of Thankful complete!  

View a listing of all the other more serious offerings of this hop here!
Okay, Okay, Damn it! Click here instead!

Until next time, 



  1. Some people might think "How you could mess up making fudge?" but as someone who HAS DONE THAT, I get it. When I had gestational diabetes, every single carb was weighed carefully vs. it's taste level, and when I got a "bad one" I was SO SAD.
    I had to laugh at the visual image of Miley twerking through the hills w/a giant foam finger. Thank you for that, my friend!
    Congratulations on the new boob tube! I wish you interesting things to watch on it, as in NOT reality TV! Happy 2014!

    1. Joy - Thanks for stopping by! Having never made fudge, I have no idea as to the process. I do have a weakness for peanut butter fudge, but after that piece I tasted, I may be happy at not indulging further. MIley ... well, let's just say she might be better off with a role in Burlesque than The Sound Of Music. Haven't got the TV yet. Supposedly, they're waiting until Monday to give it to me so I can fight the cold weather and snow getting it into the house. My 50" is really the perfect size for my house, and my wife wants me to sell the 60". I'm always off to the side of the TV at my PC doing something anyway, so 10 more inches of viewing really doesn't mean much to me. I was just stoked that I finally won something in my life, especially the way things have gone the last couple of months. Then again, we are in college basketball season! :) Many Thanks!

  2. You know I recently read that quote that was attributed to Anne Graham (Billy Graham's daughter - Billy was good friends with Johnny Cash ya know)
    "...for years we've been telling God to get out of our schools, to get out of our government and to get out of our lives. And being the gentleman He is, I believe He has calmly backed out. How can we expect God to give us His blessing and His protection if we demand He leave us alone?"
    I know you don't fall into the same boat... but it was a great opportunity for me to preach! Maybe it's like with the Israelites, he's saving you ONE MORE TIME and giving you an even bigger screen to watch zombies on. he he.

    1. Jen - Good of you to visit! I've done the Ben Franklin analysis many times in my life, where you list out all the good things versus all the bad things that have taken place. I'd be lying if I didn't say the bad out weigh the good by a wide margin. It's like a 5 to 1 ratio. Still, one never really knows if it's karma or what that determines our destiny. I know there are a lot of people with problems they struggle with daily that they find blessings in. With me, it seems like I've simply been born with bad luck, and can't shake it regardless of what efforts are made to do otherwise. Only when I get ready to denounce do things change, and then not for very long. Still, I don't doubt that there is a supreme being, I just don't understand why he doesn't use his powers to help people instead of constantly allowing the Silver Spoon crowd to enjoy life while others continually face adversity. Many Thanks!

  3. Rich! Good to see you back at the TToT! There were a few actual, for real thankfuls in here! I think the holidays have mellowed you a bit.
    Congrats on the TV!
    Why do they make remakes of already perfect movies. As much as I like Carrie, she ain't no Julie Andrews.
    Just last night I was thinking about whether we should get a gun. We'd be more in the shotgun part of the store, seeing as how we're in the country on a little farm. I decided no at this point. We have young teens and little kids who are at home by themselves sometimes. I think the risk far outweighs the benefit at this point.
    It is pretty funny that both charities were asking the same odd amount. I wonder if they hire the same company to raise funds for them.
    Happy New Year! Glad you stayed strong through the holiday junk food bonanza. Sorry the fudge wasn't as good as you'd imagined, though.

    1. Christine - Thanks so much for coming by! I don't think that I'm mellowing. I just went back and analysed my past blogs and found myself getting really negative and cynical. So, I decided to lighten up a little. It probably won't last long, but it's an effort! :)

      As far as the gun is concerned, decades ago, after being attacked, a chief of police told me to get a gun. He said that it would be better to be around and worry about the consequences than to not be around. I was personally raised in a family that had shotguns and rifles in the house. All of us knew to leave them alone and not to play with them at any time. So, we did exactly that. My girls knew there were guns in the house, and having been taught as I was, never touched them. Our street has had only two crimes in the last twenty years ... the attempted break-in at my house and the successful break-in at my neighbors home last summer. There's a new attitude in the air, and it's not one of love and compassion. People just don't care as they once did. With that in mind, I'm not going to stand still and allow my wife or myself become a statistic, when I could protect us instead. I have guns in strategic places around the house that are ready to be used in case of a home invasion. I've trained my wife on how to use them, and I have a concealed carry license. We're not looking for trouble, but if it comes around, we want to be prepared.

      Television charities tend to make me suspicious. I know that HSUS give absolutely no money to the local humane societies, but only uses the money to further their own reputation and pay their founder, Wayne Pacella, an outrageous salary. Much has come out recently about other so-called charities. To me, if I'm going to give to a charity, it's going to be one in which I know where the funds will be doing the most good. I'm just not as naive as I once was.

      Happy New Year to you and your family, too! I hope you all have a great year! Many Thanks!

  4. I didn't watch the Carrie Underwood version of Sound of Music. Like Christine, I couldn't imagine how it could be better than the original Julie Andrews version.

    Sounds like your kitties enjoyed their toys, even if the toys didn't last very long.

    1. Kristi - Good to see you again! I wasn't going to watch it, but I'd DVR'd it for my wife and decided to give it a try. After thinking about it, I wondered why anyone would even try to play the role that Julie Andrews was perfect in. Then, after looking at all the movies that Hollywood has tried to remake as of late, it suddenly came to me that there isn't an original idea left in movie land, and television is simply following suit! Sad but true. Oh, the cats had a great time. They're still finding some to shred and leave the remnants all over the house! lol Many Thanks!

  5. My new sweet baby kitten ripped the feathers out of one of her Christmas toys in about five minutes of playing with it. You'd think those 7 year old factory workers would do a better job of assembling those things, wouldn't you?
    Carrie Underwood is a lovely girl. She is not, I repeat, NOT Julie Andrews. I did see a Reader's Theater-type version of South Pacific on PBS one time with Reba McEntire playing Nellie Forbush, and that worked out pretty well, since Nellie is from Little Rock.
    The crawler at the bottom of the tv on two of our stations does, literally, take up a quarter of the screen. And each is flashed one at a time. It takes forever to see if your school is canceled. Of course, we also get a 5 a.m. phone call from the school district saying school is closed that causes your heart to leap through your chest.
    And congratulations on the winner, winner, chicken dinner tv!

    1. Dyanne - So nice of you to visit again! Hope you had a great holiday! I agree, feathers on cat toys are the first to be targeted for destruction! I'm guessing the 7 year olds really don't want to put them on, but do so for fear of Mao's ghost returning and haunting them with visions of American take out food! :) Reba sounds like a better choice than Carrie, for sure. Now, if Oklahoma had been the production, she'd have probably fit in fine! The sensationalism of today has definitely spread to news warnings. Today, they're forecasting a major snow storm at the bottom of the screen. Of course, that's been the major topic for days, so I'm sure no one knows about it and a warning needs to be posted. Duhhhhhh! lol Many Thanks!

  6. I think the right to bear arms will remain a dicey issue for as long as people don't use them responsibly. Thanks for sharing, Richard!

    1. Michelle - Hello, old friend. Glad you could make it here. The reason you state is exactly the reason guns are necessary. History proves to us that the person/territory/country with the biggest and best weapon is the one that will be in command. There is no criminal that is the least concerned about using a gun responsibly. Take the guns away from the honest folks, and the criminal element has nothing to fear. Australia is finding that out now as their attempt at gun control has led to a vast increase in the number of home invasions. With police forces undermanned and response times now in the area of ridiculous, a person must have something to detour the criminal. Self defense is self defense. Using a weapon is a last resort, but it is an option. Take away that option and the criminal element has nothing to fear. Remember the Manson killings? Tex Watson was able to hold four people at bay because he had a .22 revolver. Then, the girls did their part, after he first shot Jay Sebring. But, then again, those with the loudest voices against guns are those that have never experienced a violent crime. It's amazing how attitudes change once that occurs. Many Thanks!

  7. Oh I'm so thankful too that the holidays are over. All that work and fuss for a couple of days of pigging out .... thank goodness it only comes once a year :) Now I need to diet.
    I watched The Sound of Music or some of it. I thought it was okay but the original was far better.

    1. Susan - Really good to see you here! I know what you mean about the holidays. I'm just happy that the hourly retail workers can finally get some decent work schedules, you know, like their corporate leaders were able to enjoy during the holiday season! :) The Sound of Music on television was better than a high school production, but not much more. To me, the actors seemed to be going through the motions with no real energy factor. Still, it allowed for memories of the original to flourish, so it wasn't all bad! lol Many Thanks!

  8. I agree. The month of December is wonderful in lots of ways but I'm ALWAYS glad when it's over. And though I'm a secret weather channel groupie -- this naming of the storms is for the birds.

    1. Jamie - Thanks for coming by again! I agree, I love the weather of December and the true spirit of Christmas, but the rest of it stinks. So glad it's behind us again. My wife watches the Weather Channel all the time. I really don't understand the obsession, but it's better than all the other junk on TV. I find myself there during hurricane season, but it's mostly because of my youngest daughter who lives in Southern Alabama and my 14 years down there going through them. Many Thanks!

  9. hey Rich! nice score on the flatscreen, dude.
    Smart Tv huh?…. (First Rule: Find the browsing history Delete, Second Rule of smart TV: Find the browsing history Delete)

    ha ha everyone either living in X Chromopolis or over a Maturity Score in excess of 6GB*

    6th Grade Boy

    good to have you back on the circuit!

    1. Clark, my friend, it's good to be back! I'll probably end up selling the TV. It's nice to have won it, but my house really won't allow for anything bigger than a 50". Still, the desire is there to push it, believe me. I'll be over to see your blog soon. Hell, it's only taken me three days to answer all of these comments here. Just so busy.... Anyway, Many Thanks!

  10. Wow! That's a positive ending! May 2014 be good to you.

    1. Hey Sarah, good of you to come by. Yes, it was quite a surprise. Still, one wonders if it is only a temporary reprieve, or if perhaps the swing is headed in the right direction. We'll have to wait to see! I do hope you and yours have a great 2014, also! Many Thanks!

  11. Wait...I was going to say something else until I saw that bit about the work thing. Are you still doing that one job or no? If y'are, well, then good. If not...oh man! Here's to you finding something ASAP.
    Your cats' names crack me the hell up: Feletame. Where did that name come from?
    And let's see...Wal-Mart. Ugh. Sugar? Ugh. I love sugar too much, lol. Have a good weekend.

    1. Hello, old friend! :) Really good to see you again. I'm still on my one job ... no changes. It's just got weird the last couple of months. Money is dependent upon commission and such, so clientele is a factor. That's part of where the bad luck has occurred. Still, I am employed, so all is not completely morbid .... yet. :)

      "Faletame ... how did his name come up" is a question I've answered many times. It all stems from the fact that I use Roman and Greek names for my cats. I've had Antonius, Bernadette, Caladonius, Demetrius, Eurydicina, and now Faletame and Gabriela. When I got Faletame, I couldn't think of any name that started with an "F" that would work that didn't sound like a sexual reference. As I was thinking about it, Sly and The Family Stone was singing in the background. Suddenly, it hit me in the lyrics, "Thank you, Fa letine Me, Be Micelf, Agin." Fa Let A Me!!!!!! I had my name! Well, damn it, it sounds Greek, doesn't it? lol Many Thanks!

  12. Hey Sis! You did make it here! (I never doubted you for a second, lol.) I'm ready for Spring, but the heat of Summer is something I dread. I'm with you on the God questions. As they would say in a career interview, "So much potential and so little effort." :) I do think I'll probably sell the TV, though. Really don't need it and could use the cash so much more right now. Will have to see who's got some after all the money spent on Christmas. No more fudge in the picture for right now. One piece a year is enough, for sure. You and yours have a wonderful 2014! It's got to be better than last! Right!!?? :) Many Thanks!

  13. I wish we would have snow with our frigid temps this week. we are going all the way down to 7 tomorrow in the South Carolina upstate. It rained tonight. Why couldn't it come tomorrow and snow? I loved your image of God watching Duck Dynasty. I have questions too about faith, but I dig my heals in. I know God is love and I know He has all of this in His Hands. Call my PollyAnna, but my God lives. :)

    1. Mary - We were right on the border line of the big snow and everyone was going crazy in the stores buying up food items to make it through. We ended up with 1/2 inch of snow. lol It is cold though, that I will attest to. Glad you liked my Photoshopped pic. I put it together before I won the TV, and hated not to use it. I have no doubt God is there. I just wonder why he does so little to help the masses that do believe with all the power he has. Seem like he's kind of underachieving at times. Many Thanks!

  14. I love how you continually deny the probability of God striking you down from his golden throne to amuse me. Seriously between your wife and your God you have given them ample opportunity to, well, make you a cat toy for Gabriella to destroy.

    1. Kerri - It is SO GOOD to see you back, again. I've missed your comments. I live on the edge just for you, my dear! lol No, I just voice the feelings many have, but are afraid to utter. I've read that one should not lie, and to me, silence is a lie. So, I let loose and allow the chips to fall as they will. I think we all need a protagonist to make us perform to a higher standard. Being an average human being, I hope that my voice emits the thoughts of many, just in case he's been away too long. As far as coming back as a cat toy ... well, we all have our destiny! lol Many Thanks!

  15. Hi Rich! Like you, I am glad to have the holidays behind us, the kids back to school today and time to start getting things back to "normal." I have to skip by the religion and politics since I try to stay far away from those subjects except in my own head. While the two subjects can produce a stimulating conversation, I have seen too many end badly. I will, however, agree with the right to bear arms but for some reason the only arms my husband (an avid hunter) will allow me to have is a baseball bat! Why do you suppose that is? Hmmm...
    Big congratulations on the TV! That's a huge win!
    I love Carrie Underwood. BUT, I had no desire to watch the Sound of Music remake. The classics should be left alone. Off the top of my head, I can't think of one that has been better than the original.
    Have a great week!

    1. Sandy - Good of you to visit! Awwww, go ahead and give religion and politics a go! lol I speak of religion and how it affects me, so I'm not really creating a conflict for others. Politics is a scam that has been used to bilk the American taxpayers for years. All politicians are the same, as they all come from the wealthy to serve the wealthy. The rest is all put on for show. When was the last time you heard of a politician or their family going without food or becoming homeless? Just doesn't happen! Like I said, the wealthy always look out for the wealthy. As far as being armed, I did teach my wife proper shooting techniques at a shooting range, even though she didn't want to go. Now, she sleeps with a pistol next to the bed and is more secure about things. Tell your husband, "A family that shoots together doesn't shoot at each other!" lol I'm with you on remakes. Even though I did like the latest version of King Kong, it just wasn't the same. Many Thanks!

  16. I'm a huge fan of Carrie Underwood, but not happy about her playing in The Sound of Music. No, no, no, lol. I'm not able to go walking dogs anymore because no one wants to go with me and I'm not going on my own... that's a disaster waiting to happen! So, like you I'm also donating a little every month to a shelter. Although there are so many... I rotate between two each month, so it seems fair. Maybe you can do something like that with your vet / pet donation? Hope you had a wonderful Christmas and New Year! Look forward to popping in here more often this year now that I'm back to working from home again. Have a good one! :)

    1. Melanie - It really is so good to see an old friend return! :) Carrie need to stay with Country Music, like I said. She's a great singer, but she's really not close to Julie Andrews. Be safe, my friend. There's too much craziness in the world today. I'm so tired of the scam artists that bilk good hearted people. I'd love to put them all in a cage without shelter and see how they weather the freezing temperatures. Please do come back! It's been way too long! Many Thanks!
