Oops, that's Finish The Sentence Friday.
My blunder.
Just speaking my mind, I guess. It is such a terrible thing to waste even though I really try hard.
Normally, I sit here and ramble about something for a couple of minutes before getting into the topic. I hate to say it, but sometimes that tends to be the best part of the post for me.
Hell if I know! Never really thought about it before.
You were expecting some answer besides that one, weren't you?
The actual reasoning behind it could be creativity. Instead of being shackled into one theme, freedom of expression enters the picture and allows the mind to flow freely into the world of the asinine. One or two people have expressed that they enjoy these moments of rambling.
I'm betting there could be one or two that skim through it to get to the meat of the post. (Think I'm underestimating or just being kind?)
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Still a Virgin? |
Everyone's done that, right?
Well, maybe not Hillary Clinton.
(I understand Bill is always busy losing his elsewhere. They could have adopted secretly!)
Did you ever wonder about the people you think you know on the web and when they lost their virginity? Probably not. But, now that its been mentioned, will you?
There are some I might and some I definitely won't. (Sorry, MJM! There are some things in life better left unknown. Enjoy your cheese stix.)
Anyway, this week's theme / prompt / sentence to finish / etc. for Free The Soul Freak ... sorry, Finish The Sentence Friday is:
When I was a little kid I thought ...
Isn't this almost an oxymoron. Do little kids actually think, or do they just react to what they've been led to believe through environmental conditioning?
I'll let you delve into that more and waste away your day. I've got a post to write.
There were many things that entered into my mind when I was young. Many have been proven wrong over the years. (And a lot of years that includes.) Still, many still hold true in an optimistic way of thinking, regardless of how many times society desperately attempts to prove them wrong. So, without further ado, let me begin.
"When I Was A Little Kid
I Thought ...."
1) ... "Please" and "Thank You" were polite expressions that were supposed to be utilized to prove you weren't an ignorant, self-centered ass. This was obviously a falsehood as not even drive-up window operations adhere to it these days. If I pay for an item, I expect a "Thank You" to be uttered in response. No, it doesn't have to be a major, "Thank You Sir for your contribution to keep me and my family able to pay the electric bill this month and keep the place where I work in operation." Really, a simple "Thank You" will do. "Hey, McDonalds and Wal-Mart, do you think you might be able to teach this to the obvious ignorant people you hire since you two tend to be the biggest culprits in neglecting this simple task?"
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Grrrrrr ... Damn Those Magic Covers!! |
2) ... monsters were only in the movies. Of course, we all had the "magic covers" that would protect us from Dracula, Frankenstein, the Wolfman, and other creatures of the night whose only instinct was to find and kill little children who didn't have magic covers. We didn't know that there were actually monsters that looked like normal people that would kidnap and either kill or hold hostage little kids for their own maniacal reasons. Oh, we knew not to accept candy from strangers (except on Halloween), but we never imagined that humans could turn out to be worse than the Hollywood monsters on the big screen.
3) ... one could survive a fall if they landed strictly on their feet. My thoughts were that the ribs could easily be broken if one landed on their side, so just land on your feet and you'd be fine! To prove this, I decided to jump off of the second story of a split level house that was being built next door. I awaited the end of the day when the construction crew finished and left, and made my way up to the highest point of the house roof. Looking over the edge was somewhat scary, to say the least, but my mind had been made up. Teetering back and forth, I finally leaned forward enough that there was no point of return. I jumped forward and found myself airborne. Kind of nice for the second or two it lasted! Then, my feet found the ground. “Sting” just doesn’t quite describe the pain that was received. I was lucky in that my jump was to a downward slope, and I somehow rolled forward alleviating some of the impact. I had learned my lesson the hard way, and blame my 31” inseam today on that jump!
4) ... you were paid for doing a job and not paid if you didn’t. Unfortunately, today’s CEO’s have clauses in their contracts that allow them to scarf up millions if they’re fired for not doing the job they signed on for. I’m looking for just one of those type of jobs and contracts before I retire. Just one!
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See! I'm not the only one that ever did it! |
As I grew up, I found that I still don’t fear them, but I do give wild animals a little more respect. After having been bitten by venomous snakes and had an Ocelot attack the back of my head, I found not all of them will stay back as the young bulls did. Recently, a bat was found on the ground at work. None of my co-workers would go close. Thinking that it might have rabies, I went to my Ridgeline, grabbed my snake tongs and a container, and returned to where it was lying. Attempting to pick it up with the tongs, it suddenly sprang to life and took off in flight. The co-workers ran off in a flash, leaving me there laughing. The bat had pulled the old “play dead” act until it figured I wasn’t going to fall for it, and had taken off to escape. I’ll bet my co-workers were more afraid of it than the bat was of them!
6) ... that life would always be safe and secure. Unfortunately, losing my mother at my age 13, and seeing my best friend die after getting run over by a speeding car ended that belief in my life. I learned that life is only a temporary state. Yet, instead of living it in fear of dying, one has to continually try to achieve and experience all it has to offer. If not, you might as well be dead. I’ve done so much in my life that many look at me and just shake their heads at. Yet, I’m still around to talk about it. Which, of course leaves the old expression to echo, “Only the good die young!”
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Can you imagine what would've happened if I had become President? |
8) ... that all men were created equal. I don’t know if it was my belief in God, my belief in civil rights, or my belief that just because you had money it didn’t make you better than anyone else, but I truly believed that. I marched and protested for the cause in the homeland of the KKK, prejudicial district court judges, and small minded people. I was threatened, called a traitor to my race, and came close to bodily harm many times. Still, I continued onward, doing what I thought best.
Today, I see many taking advantage of government programs that don’t deserve them. I see excuses for failure being given as race, instead of lack of personal effort. And, I’ve experienced the same type of racist comments, based on complete stupidity and ignorance, as was given others 50 years ago, strictly because of my color.
I’ve come to believe that not all men are created equal. No, it’s not a matter of race. Instead, it’s a matter of what you do with your life and how you blame your failures. As all are required to go to school until age sixteen, why can some not read or write? Why is the English language cast aside for that used in Rap music? Why does one find it so hard to examine their actions and accept personal accountability for where they are in life? And, what is it that makes a person stop trying to better themselves and sit back thinking that the government owes them?
I don’t care what the color, we all have a mind to develop. What’s not equal is the desire one finds within to succeed instead of giving up. The Silver Spoon Society will always be there, unless we pull another Communistic Manifesto coup, which really doesn’t seem likely. But, we can’t give up or give in to their desires to see us wallow in the mire. It’s not up to society. It’s not up to race. It’s up to you!
And, after carrying this post on way too far, I’ve reached the end of Free The Soul Freak ... damn it ... Finish the Sentence Friday on this blog for another week.
Ready to test out my theory
about jumping off a split level house?
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Okay, on the count of three ... 1 - 2 - ....... |
Rich, I was wondering how Hillary Clinton figured into this and seriously you always seem to weave the best of all elements into these posts and knew you would prove that to me once again. Seriously though you are totally right from #1 (was taught my manners all the ay to the end couldn't agree more. Thanks as always for linking up with us!! :)
ReplyDeleteJanine - So good of you to jump right in here, my friend! I once saw a picture of Hillary (in a bathing suit) being hugged by Bill. "Can you say cottage cheese thighs, my friends?" She'd have to be a virgin! I may look up some younger pictures of her just to get an idea of what she looked like in her younger years. Nawwwww ... maybe not. Why ruin my thoughts! lol I never know what's going into these posts when I start. They just happen. Must be the "old coot" that lies deep within my soul ... or something like that. :) Many Thanks!
DeleteDude. Sometimes the rambling beforehand IS the best part. It's all good though. Like now...
ReplyDeleteHillary HAD to lose her virginity at some point and may STILL be a virgin for all we know.
OMG poor MJM. Is he still a virgin???
UGh to monsters being for real :(
OMG to #4. a co-worker and I were just talking about this today! Our sales team sucks and deserves to NOT be paid until they meet some semblance of quota which they never do and nobody every holds them accountable!! UGH!!!
Those taking advantage of gov't programs who don't deserve them piss me off. My hub's ex wife is one. there are people who totally deserve help! those who f#ck the system to not have to work etc mess it up for so many others!! UGH!!!!
YES it's up to all of us!!! Hear, hear!!
Hey Sis, what's happening? I've let it out before that rambling is the way I used to write my material for stand-up. If you ramble long enough, you can usually pick something out of it that's halfway funny. I don't imagine MJM to still be a virgin, but I damn sure don't want to know how he lost it! Remember, I respect animals. lol Usually, if a sales team doesn't meet a quota, they're replaced, unless it's a family business and they're part of the family. Those are family moochers, much like those that mooch from the government. Let's just line them up and shoot them, what do you say? (Okay, damn it, just joking!) Many Thanks!
DeleteVery much common sense I'd say. Personally, I always look forward to your foreward. ;) I'm glad I don't commute to work these days or I'd be on the subway on the way home from work tonight wondering how everyone lost their virginity lol.
ReplyDeleteChris - Really good of you to come back and visit! I think it's fairly obvious that I don't plan these posts out. They just seem to manifest themselves the longer I write. There are really some people you don't want to think about in that way, believe me. Now, I leave it up to you to figure out whom I might be talking about. lol Many Thanks!
DeleteGreat. Now here I am thinking about all the friends on this blog and how/when they lost their virginity. Like I don't have enough Catholic guilt? I now have to worry about everyone else. And NO I am not sharing my story.
ReplyDeleteBut only you would put Bill Clinton's virginity, real monsters in the world and jumping off a house to hide your pain at losing your innocence when your mom and friend died. I am so very sorry for your loss. Especially at such a young age when the world is supposed to be freaking safe and your mom is supposed to answer the door with home baked cookies.
And now I am rambling...but at least you know I don't skim!
As far as please and thank you it is a lost art. But just once I would like them to actually say: Thank you for paying me so I can provide dinner for my family tonight!
Have a great weekend!
Kerri - Okay, you got me laughing in your first line! lol When I was young, we weren't allowed to eat meat on Fridays, so our school cooked fish sticks. I don't know what they were made of, but they were meat and they weren't fish. So, no one felt guilty! I never know what may find its way into these posts ... you know that. They just happen! Sometimes they work and sometimes they don't. And, my dear, you're pretty good at rambling yourself! :) I'll tell you what, send me a ten spot, and I'll say, "Thank you for paying me so I can provide dinner for my family tonight!" One is never too old to be respectful, or greedy! lol You and your family have a wonderful weekend, too! Many Thanks!
DeleteDo children actually think?? From experience, the most definitely do. Example: being the horrible atheist mom I am, I took Lily to the wrong church for her solo. About 10 minutes after the service at the correct church had started, I actually noticed my mistake and started cussing. Lily: Mami, that "s"-word is bad, you shouldn't say that!! Me: I know, honey, but I took you to the wrong place, you probably won't be able to sing your solo, we'll be horribly late. Lily (with tears in her eyes): Oh Mami, that's ok, things like that happen, but can we try to make it on time anyways?? And we ran like two crazies through the rain ;-)
ReplyDeleteStephanie - OMG, I hope your "athiest" comment wasn't because of last week's posting. Remember, I have tolerance for the beliefs of others. I just don't think they should be intolerant of others, either. I guess I should have written "logically" in front of think. Mind expansion, when one really can logically use factors besides the ones they've acquired by environmental conditioning, usually don't come until later years. They can reason, but only as far as they've been taught via the e.c. goes. So, in that vein of thought, Lily has learned that bad words shouldn't be uttered so she knew it was wrong. If profanity would have been allowed without concern in the household, she wouldn't have had enough experience in the world to know it was somewhat unacceptable. There are adults that have never left their small towns. Their outlook of life is small minded, generally, because of their limited experience. They can "think", but should they spend a month in New York City, they would possibly have much more to throw into the equation that could influence their decision making process. One's wisdom is a reflection of their efforts to expand and experiences they've incurred. At least, it would make sense if that were the case. Come to think of it, "Think" might not have been the right word to use here at all. Or, was it? :) Now, I am pissed at you though! You never told me if she made it and was able to sing her solo or not!!!! Love your comments, Stephanie, always. Many Thanks!
DeleteLizzi - Sometimes I just don't know how to answer your comments. This is one of those times. I could ramble, but I've already done that above. Let me just say that it was once said, "We are but a sub-total of our complete life." We become what we become through our teachings, experiences, and emotional control. Do we open our eyes to see, or only to keep from bumping into the table in front of us? I've lived each day to see ... to experience ... and to learn something that I didn't know before. And, most of all, I learned a secret to life that many cannot understand ... to never allow fear to control your life in any way.
ReplyDeleteI try like hell not to sound like a know-it-all, as I'm far from it. Still, there are so many common things in life that many ignore, and then wonder why others treat them without the respect they think they deserve. I used to live life with the idea, "If I can make a person smile once a day, then I've relieved them of some of the stress they endure and make their life just a little bit better, if only for a few seconds." I still try to do that, but I really want to help them see the things in life that could make their life a little better beyond that. Mostly, items of common sense that, for some reason, have been cast aside or forgotten. I think the saying, "If you give a man a fish, you feed him for a day. But, if you teach the man how to fish, you feed him for a lifetime" is kind of what I'm after. Laughter takes care of the day, but if I can get them thinking and understanding they are in control of making their life a better place to exist within, well, maybe I've helped them for a lifetime. God, that sounded really egotistical, didn't it? lol I do thank you so much for your kind words. I know you're one of those that get what I'm trying to do.
And no, I won't say another word about MJM! Many Thanks!
where is your autobiography? did you take lots of pictures during your experiences? i want to hear more about marching for civil rights and why you keep snake tongs in your vehicle. and i think you should do a week in pictures like joy from i can say mama!
ReplyDeleteMisty - So good to see you again! I must say that I've always shied away from the camera. It was my opinion that the fewer the pictures the fewer people would recognize me. I know it may seem strange, but I never wanted to cause any embarrassment for my family, should something weird happen. Even today, I shy away as I want work and home to be completely separated. It drives my family crazy when I refuse to be a part of holiday pictures. They say, "We want something to remind us of you when you're gone." I retort, "Use your memories as they always will show me in a different light." I afraid a photo blog wouldn't be much at all. I have very few photos of me doing things, mostly because I was doing them and not photographing them. I never ran with a tight crowd, but kind of joined whatever group was doing what I wanted to do and hung in while it interested me. Trying to find a friend that wanted to do everything I did wasn't in the cards, as most had limited interests. I'm one of the truly real "Rolling Stones" that has been sung about for years.
DeleteThe civil rights marching took place in the late 60's and early 70's, part while in high school and part while in college. I was a fat kid until about age 13, and knew what it was to be cast aside and made fun of. It toughened me up , though, and made me realize that it wasn't what a person looked like or the color of their skin, but what the person had inside that mattered. I felt everyone should have an equal chance. Of course, that was before I found out about the Silver Spoon Society and their efforts to keep everyone else down.
Snake tongs? Well, just habit, I guess. I worked, as a hobby, with venomous reptiles for three decades. I've only just stopped in the last couple of years, but find myself sometimes being called by the authorities to help with one found inside the city limits. So, I keep them in the Ridgeline's trunk, along with snake bags and containers just in case I'm called. I have to be more careful now, as another bite would probably kill me as I've lost part of my heart in a heart attack, and the blood thinner I take would send the venom thru my system faster if an artery was hit in the bite. So, I no longer keep any venomous or assist in collecting them.
So, enough of this blog size comment! lol Many Thanks!
read your reply on my iPhone and meant to re-reply later....then i forgot! sorry. your week in pics doesn't have to be pics of you, just pics from your week. although, you have lots of youtube on here so maybe that's the same as a week in pictures!
DeleteWow, that was pretty deep, Rich! Your childhood thoughts ranged from entertaining to cringe-worthy (I totally flinched on #3) to kind of profound. And I'm totally open to changing FTSF's name to Free the Soul Freak. Who's with me?
ReplyDeleteStephanie - Glad you could stop in today! My childhood wasn't the typical one most get to enjoy. Still, the challenges and experiences it provided gave me a different perspective than most. I found I always wanted to do things that others were afraid to do. No, not daredevil stuff, but really, the things one saw on television, like water and snow skiing, cliff climbing, bull riding, breaking horses, racing dirt track, sky and skin diving, working with dangerous animals, etc. I knew I could do it if given the chance, and had to find a way to get that chance. My thinking wasn't always logical, but at least I was thinking, instead of just existing. That's why I push others so hard these days. Life is only a few years long. If you're not careful, you'll look back and say, "Damn, I wish I'd have done that when I was younger." I'll join you in changing the name! We might be the only two, but what the hell, it's a start! lol Many Thanks!
DeleteYour childhood. Hmm. You were an interesting kid. The kind that the teacher probably was like, "Rich, STOP staring out that window!" To which you dreamt about putting a whoopee cushion on her desk chair when she was up at the chalkboard explaining boring math facts.
ReplyDeleteAnd you wanted to be a politician? Yeah, I could actually see that. I thought about it for half a second, until I realized that I would need to sell my soul to the Prince of Darkness in exchange for some money. It didn't quite suit me. HAHA.
Hope you had a good weekend!